Walking Your Dog at Night

Walking Your Dog at Night

Remember these safety tips when walking your dog at night.   Always use a leash This one is non-negotiable. Even if you live in an area without much traffic, and your dog has an excellent recall, you should always leash up at night. Just like humans, dogs get...
Make your Beach Day SAFE!

Make your Beach Day SAFE!

Ahh –  The beach!  We love the water, the sand, the sun and the family time to unwind and have FUN! Staying safe at the beach is very important. Weather and water conditions can change rapidly.  In the blink of an eye someone could be caught in a rip-current. Be sure...
Grilling Tips for Safety

Grilling Tips for Safety

As the weather warms and summer returns,  it’s time to GRILL!   There are risks that come along with grilling, regardless of which type of grill you are using. Every year, 7,000 Americans are injured while using barbecue grills. It’s usually a case of good...
Protect Your Home This Winter

Protect Your Home This Winter

Old Man Winter is here. Ice, snow, and wind can wreak havoc on your home and your budget. Standard homeowners insurance policies can cover most disasters that result from a freeze, but it’s better to minimize the potential risks! Follow these tips to help prepare your...